Change Starts with You
Through the years, I've discovered nothing would change until I decided to take hold of my life and take action. Sometimes we can't help but want to fix everyone else and save everyone else. Let's face it seems a lot easier to focus on someone else’s life than on our own. But my dear friends, change can't start with everyone else. It has to start with me and you. When I realized that I needed a difference in my life, it opened many doors to self-discovery. I was terrified of self-revelations, but man, I found true love within myself.
If you're reading this, I invite you to please take the time to focus on SELF. Ask yourself, what can I change today? I can’t answer this for you, only you can. Over and over again I’ve learned that we can only focus on the change we have control over. I encourage you to take a moment each day and write down in your journal or a blank piece of paper some things you want to change. You’ll be surprised of what one discovers simply by turning thoughts onto paper. Then cross out the things from that list you have no control over. Then highlight the areas in your day where you can start making a change. Sometimes we try to take leaps, but from personal experiences, baby steps are the way to go. This is because it allows for actual growth and mindfulness in being present in the current season. Eliminate anything in your life that doesn't bring you peace, joy or challenge you to grow into a better version of yourself. It's ok to feel lost, and it's ok to feel like we're satisfied where we are in life. But it's ok to change because everything that changes is evolving.